Monday, 20 March 2023

Hillfoot Hill and Seamab Hill, The Ochil Hills, Clackmannanshire

Jasper and Tommy on the snowy approach to Seamab Hill (click / tap to enlarge)

More snow on the Ochils last week and so we took a walk around Hillfoot Hill and on to Seamab, before the usual rain subsequently came in again and washed all the snow away. The walk includes a circular loop of Hillfoot Hill and a there and back portion out to Seamab Hill (440 metres) via Commonedge Hill (469 metres). It's a hilly and somewhat strenuous route covering a total distance of 6.7 miles.

There was quite a lot of snow but not too much for Tommy to get through, though he did need his fleece lined raincoat towards Seamab as it got quite chilly up there. There are some boggy sections up Commonedge Hill and of course when we walked it, lots of snow to trudge through too. When wandering off the main path for photos, the snow wasn't far off knee deep in places! 

The walking route is shown at the end of the article. You'll find parking location details at the end of the previous Hillfoot Hill article. All images can be clicked / tapped to enlarge. Information is current as of our last visit in March 2023.

Here are some photo highlights from our walk and some additional photos from previous visits.

Tommy + bench = inevitable photo opp of course! Looking out from Hillfoot Hill across the Forth Valley (click / tap to enlarge).

Tommy having a Mexican stand-off with Jasper in the distance!

Jasper with Glenquey Reservoir in the distance

Once we leave the Hillfoot path, the snow deepens and Jasper is in his element... can be seen from his rolling around activities here!

The view back from Seamab Hill

Tommy at the summit of Seamab with Loch Leven and the Lomond Hills in the distance. Tommy enjoyed the walk but at this point his expression seems to indicate that he's quite ready to head back for dinner and an evening's lounging on the sofa!

The view across the Ochils from Seamab with Green Knowes Windfarm on the horizon

Castlehill Reservoir from Seamab

Looking out towards Loch Leven and the Lomond Hills from Seamab. The River Devon can be seen in the centre of the photo.

The view from Seamab towards Innerdownie Hill

Jasper doing some tunnelling, probably searching for rabbits!

View out towards the Forth and Queensferry Crossing on way back down from Commonedge

Jasper and Tommy on the way back down Hillfoot Hill, as we leave the snow behind

A few more photos from previous visits to Hillfoot and Seamab:

View across Forth Valley from Hillfoot Hill, Feb 2022

The following photos are all from Jan and Feb 2021 when the snow on Hillfoot and Seamab was rather more significant but still ok for Jasper. These photos were taken before we got Tommy and he wouldn't be able to cope with snow quite this deep!

Hillfoot Hill. The only signs of life were the tracks seemingly left by someone who had been around the hill before us on a quad bike. Other than that it was virgin snow and beautifully peaceful.

Jasper having an awesome time on Hillfoot Hill

Hillfoot Hill

Jasper charging around on Commonedge Hill as we head towards Seamab. A few other walkers around on this visit.

Jasper appears to be trying to cover himself in snow. It doesn't look like it's a very effective form of camouflage!

Jasper amid the late afternoon sun on Commonedge Hill

Snow still coming down on this walk and Jasper's beyond excited!

Route detail (click / tap to enlarge)


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