We make every effort to ensure that the content of our blog is accurate as of the time that we last walked each route but we cannot guarantee complete accuracy. Information is provided free of charge and anyone who uses it, does so entirely at their own risk.

Path conditions and access change. We cannot guarantee that the routes shown on our blog will remain in the same condition as they were when we wrote about them.

We cannot be held responsible for your interpretation of the walks or any other information that we provide.

You are responsible for your own and your dog's safety (as applicable) when walking. Ensure that you are properly equipped and clothed for the walk that you are undertaking, especially when hill walking. Be aware of your surroundings, carry a paper map and a compass and know how to use them effectively.

Examine the route fully and identify any hazards eg cliffs, gradients etc BEFORE you set off. Also take into account seasonal variations and especially the increased challenges of walking in the winter months and / or in bad weather.

If you are using a navigation device, be especially aware of your surroundings. It's also worth carrying a second, charged up smartphone / GPS device with the same route on it, as a contingency in the event that your primary device runs out of charge, stops working or is damaged. You should still carry a paper map and compass.

There's a good article with more information about walking safely on the walkhighlands website here.

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